An expansive journey of interconnection
and inner discovery mirrored in the natural world.
Easing stress, anxiety and increasing resilience.
For the inner child in all our hearts!
I am offering online and outdoor sessions at present.
Current offerings include:
- 'Standard' and 'Nature-based' art therapy.
- Nature-based mindfulness for wellbeing, self-care, stress/anxiety support.

"You didn't come into this world.
You came out of it, like a wave from the ocean.
You are not a stranger here."
(Alan Watts)
Via nature-based sessions we can adventure together through the natural world, through the seasons, playfully and creatively interacting with natural materials, animal, birds and plantlife. This could be in the imagination, via a window, or an outdoor space if you have access to one.
Nature-based art therapy invites you to listen to your body and the rhythm of the natural cycles. Your creative participation will be invited using a whatever you have to hand. This may be pencil and paper, junk from your recycling bin, old magazines, or fallen leaves, sticks, mud, stones, flowers or feathers collected from your daily walks. Whatever you feel drawn to use. Or we can simply wonder at the artistry of natural creation, glimmers of light through foliage, tumbling upside down into reflected skies in puddles, feeling the texture of tree skin against your human skin.
Exploring our connection to the natural world and its rhythms can lead us into greater wholeness. A feeling of being held in something much bigger than our individual selves and our human lifespans. Spending time outdoors throughout the year, watching and feeling seasons change, can develop a level of intimacy with the environment which we have sadly lost in our modern age. See my Blog on more thoughts on why nature connection is especially important now in the current global health emergency.